Hello Dreamers, Amane's here. In this corner, I'll interpret some songs according to how I feel when I was translating the song.
For this time, I chose "Kaikai Kitan" by Eve, the first opening song of "Jujutsu Kaisen" anime
There're so many Buddhist terms in this song, so I think it needs more explanations and I still can't find any proper translation for this song, that's why I decided to interpret this song based on some Japanese's interpretations and of course I did this after I've watched Jujutsu Kaisen by myself. (Laph yuu Gojo-sensei!! <3) //stop)
 Stop the fangirling, let's start.
 廻廻奇譚 (kaikai kitan)
Kanji 廻 (kai) also can be read as 廻る(mawaru) means revolving.
This kanji is repeated twice so the meaning is revolving over and over. Kanji 廻 (kai) is also using in the title of jujutsu KAIsen (呪術廻戦).
奇譚 (kitan) mysterious story, a strange rare story.
廻廻奇譚 (kaikai kitan) a repetitive mysterious story, happens over and over without end.
If I try to connect it with the anime, the meaning will be related to any mysterious phenomenon experienced by Itadori and friends when facing "noroi"/curses.
Verse 1
 有象無象 人の成り 虚勢 心象 人外 物の怪 みたいだ
(uzou muzou hito no naru kyosei shinshou jingai mononoke mitai da)
有象無象 (uzou muzou) A bunch of useless people/things. It can also means form and formless things. In Buddhist terms (象 zou) means form.
This first verse describes the world of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Humans consist of the tangible (body) and the intangible (soul) There are even useless humans, acting inhuman like demons, do nothing but curse to harm the other humans, just like in the anime Jujutsu Kaisen.
Verse 2 |
 虚心坦懐 命宿し あとはぱっぱらぱな 中身なき人間
(kyoshin tankai inochi yadoshi ato wa papparapa na nakami naki ningen)
虚心坦懐 (kyoshin tankai) with an open and clear mind, no intention to doing evil things.
ぱっぱらぱ (papparapa) means fool or stupid.
In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, there are also clean-hearted humans who have no evil desires at all, they are the ones who will bring life. While the rest are humans described in the first verse, inhuman like a devil, stupid and empty humans who do nothing but curse others.
Verse 3
 寄せる期待 不平等な人生 才能もない 大乗 非日常が
(yoseru kitai fubyoudou na jinsei sainou mo nai daijou hinichijou ga)
大乗 (daijou) Mahayana, a Buddhist term which means a path to the enlightenment that will guide people All human beings have the right to equal salvation. It literally means a big vehicle.
This verse tells about the main character's life, Itadori Yuji.
After his grandfather died, Itadori seemed to harbor a message from his late. grandfather to help the weak. But his life has been unfair, talentless and enlightened to become Jujutsu-shi, facing unusual days.
Verse 4 |
 怨親平等に 没個性 辿る記憶 僕に 居場所などないから
(onshin byoudou ni botsu kosei tadoru kioku boku ni ibasho nado nai kara)
怨親平等 (onshin byoudou) Equally treating friends and foes
没個性 (botsu kousei) Lack of individuality/ personality
This verse still tells about Itadori. The kind-hearted Itadori, equally treating his friends is a capricious action, his personality isn't clear. Itadori who lost his grandfather at that time, and then ate Sukuna's finger, feeling that he had nowhere to go back.
Verse 5 |
 夢の狭間で 泣いてないで どんな顔すればいいか わかってる だけどまだ応えてくれよ
(yume no hazama de naitenaide donna kao sureba ii ka wakatteru dakedo mada kotaete kure yo)
There were times when Itadori who had eaten Sukuna's finger feeling hopeless and crying on the verge of his dream to realize his late grandfather message, he also knew what kind of face he should show his grandfather, but he was still waiting for a certain answer whether the path he had chosen now was the right path.
Verse 6 |
 闇を祓って 闇を祓って 夜の帳が下りたら 合図だ 相対して 廻る環状戦 戯言などは 吐き捨ていけと
(yami wo haratte yami wo haratte yoru no tobari ga oritara aizu da aitai shite mawaru kanjousen zaregoto nado wa hakisute ike to)
夜の帳 (yoru no tobari) The beginning of the night that is likened to a curtain. (帳 tobari)
廻る環状戦 (mawaru kanjousen) can be interpreted as an endless war (廻戦 kaisen) which is faced by Jujutsu-shi. This kanji is unusual because the common kanji for kanjousen is 環状線 (train loop line) for example, just like in the opening animation, there was Itadori who fell asleep on the loop line train.
This verse tells about the activities of Jujutsu-shi.
When the night veil falls, the Jujutsu-shi start their activities to exorcise the roaming noroi/curse.
The Jujutsu-shi fought endlessly against the noroi, and can't be controlled by their nonsense.
Verse 7 |
 まだ止めないで まだ止めないで 誰よりも 聡く在る街に 生まれしこの正体を 今はただ 呪い呪われた 僕の未来を 創造して 走って転んで 消えない痛み抱いては 世界が待ってる この一瞬を
(mada tomenaide mada tomenaide dare yori mo satoku aru machi ni umare shi kono shoutai wo ima wa tada noroi norowareta boku no mirai wo souzou shite hashitte koronde kienai itami daite wa sekai ga matteru kono isshun wo)
聡く(satoku) It could be mean smart, clever, wise, sensitive but because the object in the lyrics is a city, so I chose the word "sensitive" The city mentioned is probably Tokyo.
Itadori will never stop to pursue his dreams, a message from his late. grandfather. All the more, he lives in Tokyo city, a metropolitan city that has everything including the stronger noroi.
Itadori, who has been possessed by Sukuna, tries to create a future which is no longer the same as ordinary humans.
Running, falling, keep holding indelible wounds , because the world is waiting for that moment as Itadori's destiny.
Verse 8 |
 抒情的感情が 揺らいでいくバグ 従順に従った 欠陥の罰 死守選択しかない 愛に無常気 声も出せないまま
(jojouteki kanjou ga yuraide iku BAGU juujun ni shitagatta kekkan no batsu shishu sentaku shika nai ai ni mujouki koe mo dasenai mama)
抒情的感情 (jojouteki kanjou) lyricism, description of someone's feeling
無常気 (mujouki) ephemeral, transient
Even though Itadori has been possessed by Sukuna, and he intends to become a Jujutsu-shi, but in reality what Itadori has to face is not a noroi but a human.
In addition, he also has to obey the rules that apply in the world of Jujutsu-shi because there is Sukuna in his body.
He knows that love, friendship, all those feelings are transient, but he has nothing to say.
(* sorry this part is a bit difficult to explain)
Verse 9 |
 傀儡な誓いのなき 百鬼夜行 数珠繋ぎな この果てまでも 極楽往生 現実蹴って 凪いで 命を投げ出さないで
(kugutsu na chikai no naki hyakki yakou juzutsunagi na kono hate made mo gokuraku oujou genjitsu kette naide inochi wo nagedasanaide)
傀儡 (kugutsu) A doll that is controlled or moved
百鬼夜行 (hyakki yakou) Nightly procession of 100 monsters, spirits, etc. A large number of people plotting and doing evil.
数珠繋ぎ (juzutsunagi) connecting living things and non-living things into one
楽往生 (gokuraku oujou) peaceful death
The Noroi in Jujutsu Kaisen were created because there are many humans who have bad emotions in their hearts, and it has multiplied so much that it is like a parade that connects living things with unliving objects. And that is Itadori's destiny, to expel all noroi from the the earth and then die in peace.
He also faces the reality, letting noroi to calm down, while still being careful not to get killed by them.
Verse 10 |
 内の脆さに浸って どんな顔すればいいか わかんないよ 今はただ応えてくれよ
(uchi no morosa ni hitatte donna kao sureba ii ka wakannai yo ima wa tada kotaete kure yo)
There were times, Itadori sank back into his fragiliy, in his weakness, so that he didn't know what kind of face to show. to his late grandfather who left him a message, so he doubted and waited for an answer whether the path he had chosen was right or not.
Verse 11 |

五常を解いて 五常を解いて 不確かな声を 紡ぐイデア 相殺して 廻る感情線 その先に 今立ち上がる手を
(gojou wo toite gojou wo toite futashika na koe wo tsumugu IDEA sousai shite mawaru kanjousen sono saki ni ima tachiagaru te wo)
五常 (gojou/ wǔ cháng) five constant virtues within Confucianism
1. Ren 仁 - Benevolence, Humaneness 2. Yi 義 - Righteousness, Justice 3. Li 礼 - Proper Rite 4. Zhi 智 - Knowledge 5. Xin 信 - Integrity
Five rules that were created to protect humans and must be obeyed by Jujutsu-shi who want to protect humans from noroi.
However, if it is related to Jujutsu Kaisen, the lyrics of this part could be mean to that handsome but foolish teacher, Gojo-sensei <3 The kanji used are different, though (五条)
I don't know what was need to be unraveled, his blindfold, or maybe his secret.
廻る感情線 (mawaru kanjousen) Just like the section above, the kanjousen kanji here isn't commonly used, so the meaning becomes a spinning feeling/emotion line.
Verse 12 |
 ただ追いかけて ただ追いかけて 誰よりも 強く在りたいと願う 君の運命すら 今はただ 仄暗い夜の底に 深く深く落ちこんで
(tada oikakete tada oikakete dare yori mo tsuyoku aritai to negau kimi no unmei sura ima wa tada honogurai yoru no soko ni fukaku fukaku ochikonde)
Itadori who suddenly became a Jujutsu-shi must have hoped to become stronger than anyone else, in order to save humanity from noroi by keep entering the darkness.
Verse 13 |
 不格好に見えたかい これが今の僕なんだ 何者にも 成れないだけの 屍だ 嗤えよ
(bukakkou ni mieta kai kore ga ima no boku nanda nanimono ni mo narenai dake no shikabane da warae yo)
Maybe this part of lyrics represents Itadori's regret that has eaten Sukuna's finger. He became a non-human creature, maybe there were times that he thinks his current form is so ugly. He even died and then came back to life. Maybe he was confused about his real identity, human or corpse.
Verse 14 |
 目の前の全てから 逃げることさえやめた イメージを繰り返し 想像の先をいけと
(me no mae no subete kara nigeru koto sae yameta IMEEJI wo kurikaeshi souzou no saki wo ike to)
Itadori also tried to accept the reality, and didn't run away again. Trying to imagine what his life would be like after this.
Yes, that's all the explanation from me. This explanation is just a personal interpretation and could be wrong, so all of this is still "possibly true". If there are any additions, you can add them in the comments box.
Thank you!!
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
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