As expected from Eve,
I still don't understand
what I've translated (lol)
Might revise some
if I found another reference.
I still don't understand
what I've translated (lol)
Might revise some
if I found another reference.

遊生夢死 歌詞
Yuuseiboushi Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Yuuseiboushi
Song Details | |
遊生夢死 | |
Yuusei Boushi* |
Eve | |
作詞:Eve 作曲:Eve 編曲:Numa |
Lyricist: Eve Composer: Eve Arranger: Numa |
アニメ | Anime |
Project Young 主題歌 | |
Theme Song |
Kanji | Romanized | English |
Indonesian |
漂う思いのせいで |
Tadayou omoi no sei de |
Due to the drifting feelings, |
Akibat rasa yang hanyut, |
Translation Notes:
This song title
遊生夢死 (yuuseiboushi)
could also be read as
(4 letters jukugo)
It consist of 4 kanjis
The meaning is
vaguely spending a lifetime
without accomplishing anything.
It means living vaguely
and dying as if dreaming.
It seems to be sarcastic
about people who have no dreams
and just live vaguely every day.
Aizuchi 相槌
is back-channelling,
responses to make
the conversation
go smoothly.
This song title
遊生夢死 (yuuseiboushi)
could also be read as
(4 letters jukugo)
It consist of 4 kanjis
The meaning is
vaguely spending a lifetime
without accomplishing anything.
It means living vaguely
and dying as if dreaming.
It seems to be sarcastic
about people who have no dreams
and just live vaguely every day.
Aizuchi 相槌
is back-channelling,
responses to make
the conversation
go smoothly.
All lyrics in this blog are translated
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
I've passed the highest level
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
Any little support will become
a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

I will feel really happy if my translations have helped you and really hope we could exchange a word XD.
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