おもいでしりとり 歌詞
Omoide Shiritori Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Omoide Shiritori
Song Details | |
おもいでしりとり | Word-chain Game Memories |
Omoide Shiritori | Permainan Sambung Kata Kenangan |
作詞・作曲: 田淵智也 (UNISON SQUARE GARDEN) |
Lyricist・Composer: Tomoya Tabuchi (UNISON SQUARE GARDEN) |
アニメ | Anime |
ひげを剃る。 そして女子高生を拾う。 (ひげひろ) オープニングテーマ |
Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou. (HigeHiro) | |
After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway | |
Kucukur Janggut, Siswi SMA Kupungut (KuJang SiKut) | |
Opening Theme Song | |
Support The Artist(s) via: | |
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Kanji | Romanized | English |
Indonesian |
星に願いを |
Hoshi ni negai wo |
Wish as much love |
Berharap sebanyak mungkin cinta |
Translation Notes:
Shiritori (しりとり)
is a Japanese word game
in which the players
are required to say a word
which begins with
the final kana (Japanese letter)
of the previous word.
"Shiritori" literally means
"taking the end"
or "taking the rear".
sakura (さくら)
ra → rajio (ラジオ)
o → onigiri (おにぎり)
ri → risu (りす)
su → sumou (すもう)
u → udon (うどん)
A player who plays a word
ending in the mora N (ん)
loses the game,
as no Japanese word begins
with that character.
The player
who used the word "udon"
lost this game.
I've tried my best
to match the last letter
in the translations too,
maybe a bit too forced.
Some parts are too difficult
to connect.
Feel free to tell me
if you've any better idea
to connect those words
Indonesian TLN:
天秤 (tenbin)
Kata tenbin yang dimaksud
di lagu ini adalah timbangan
dengan bentuk seperti ini

Sebenarnya, akan lebih tepat
jika diterjemahkan "neraca"
tapi entah mengapa makna kata "neraca"
di Indonesia sudah agak bergeser
menjadi semacam
"neraca keuangan"
(coba Googling "neraca"
di google images)
oleh karena itu, saya putuskan
tetap memakai kata timbangan.
Shiritori (しりとり)
is a Japanese word game
in which the players
are required to say a word
which begins with
the final kana (Japanese letter)
of the previous word.
"Shiritori" literally means
"taking the end"
or "taking the rear".
sakura (さくら)
ra → rajio (ラジオ)
o → onigiri (おにぎり)
ri → risu (りす)
su → sumou (すもう)
u → udon (うどん)
A player who plays a word
ending in the mora N (ん)
loses the game,
as no Japanese word begins
with that character.
The player
who used the word "udon"
lost this game.
I've tried my best
to match the last letter
in the translations too,
maybe a bit too forced.
Some parts are too difficult
to connect.
Feel free to tell me
if you've any better idea
to connect those words
Indonesian TLN:
天秤 (tenbin)
Kata tenbin yang dimaksud
di lagu ini adalah timbangan
dengan bentuk seperti ini

Sebenarnya, akan lebih tepat
jika diterjemahkan "neraca"
tapi entah mengapa makna kata "neraca"
di Indonesia sudah agak bergeser
menjadi semacam
"neraca keuangan"
(coba Googling "neraca"
di google images)
oleh karena itu, saya putuskan
tetap memakai kata timbangan.
Shiritori Parts
No | Romanized | English |
Indonesian |
1. |
"Ureshii" |
“It's so pleasant." |
“Senang banget.” |
2. |
i → “Itsumo arigato ne” |
t→“Thank you as always." |
t→“Terima kasih selalu, yah.” |
3. |
ne→ “Nee chanto mite” |
s→“See me properly.” |
h→“Hei, perhatikan aku dengan baik." |
4. |
te→ “Te wo tsunagitai” |
y→“Your hands, I wanna hold." |
k→"Kuingin menggandeng tanganmu." |
5. |
i→ "Ikanaide" |
d→"Don't leave again." |
u→"Untuk itu, mohon jangan pergi.". |
6. |
de→ "Dekiru dake soba ni" |
n→"Next to me, every moment." |
i→"Inginkanmu selama mungkin di sisi" |
7. |
ni→ "Nita mono doushi da" |
t→"Two of us really similar." |
i→"Itu karena kita berdua serupa". |
8. |
da→ "Dakishimetai" . |
r→"Right now, .wanna hug you tight." |
a→"Aku ingin memelukmu erat". |
9. |
i→ "Ippai kangaete sa" |
t→"Thinking about you so much." |
t→"Telah banyak kupikirkan." |
10. |
sa→ "Sagashidashita nda" |
h→"Hey, I've found it out." |
n→"Nah, kutemukan juga akhirnya." |
11.. |
da→ "Dakara .kiite hoshii desu" |
t→"Therefore, .please listen to me well," |
a→"Aku ingin .kamu mendengarkannya." |
12. |
su→ "Suki desu." . |
l→"Love you." |
a→"Aku suka kamu apa adanya." |
13. |
su→ "Sugoku kirei"` |
u→"Utterly beautiful." |
a→"Amat cantik." |
14. |
i→ "Ima nara wakaru yo" |
l→"Lately I think so." |
k→"Kalau sekarang, aku bisa maklum." |
15. |
yo→ "Yokubari de ii" |
o→"Oh, it's fine to be greed." |
m→"Memang serakah, gak papa sih ya." |
16. |
i→ "Issho ni iyou" |
d→"Do stay together." |
a→"Ayo tetap selalu bersama." |
All lyrics in this blog are translated
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
I've passed the highest level
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
Any little support will become
a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`

I will feel really happy if my translations have helped you and really hope we could exchange a word XD.
If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do via Ko-fi: Nakari Amane
or via Trakteer: Nakari Amane
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